Monday, November 4, 2013

Days 3 and 4

Told you. I'm already behind. No way this is going to happen every day...

Day 3: I am thankful for in-laws. Seriously. I love the family I married into. They are the sweetest to me. Yesterday was fast Sunday, and out of the blue, one special sister-in-law of mine decided that she would fast for all of her sisters... including me! An in-law. First of all, I am so happy that I get to be part of a family who cares so much about each other as well as plus ones such as myself. I mean I've only ever seen the girl like 3 times! How can she possibly love me enough to do something like that for me? I'm sure she didn't know I was struggling. It's not like we chat regularly. (Sorry Marisa!) I give Keith a lot of grief because I feel like I'm the black sheep of the family haha. We have a lot of differing opinions and ways of doing things, and I don't feel like I fit in quite right all the time. But man alive, when I'm with those guys do I ever feel loved! Thank you!

Day 4: I am thankful for my momma! Today in the mail, Keith and I got our annual Halloween package from her. Every year I feel like she gives us more and more candy haha! I'm so glad she continues to do those little things that make me feel connected to the family back home, even though I'm old and married now. ;) I know that if Keith and I really wanted candy, we could go out and get it any time. It's just good to know that Momma has my back. She is so thoughtful, funny, and excellent at showing her love for me. I love her. :) Now let me also say that I love the rest of my family too. I don't know of another family who is so good at teasing and loving each other so much at the same time. I have especially loved having Logan out here with me. Over the past 5 years, I've only spent about 10 months living in the same city as the rest of my family. So it has been a real treat being able to see him once a week or so. My family really is the best. I love you guys so much, and I can't wait to see you all at Christmas!

Our Halloween haul! Yum!


Jenessa Adams said...

I love that you still get care packages :) That's awesome

Mis Ris said...

blast, now I want candy ;) love you Julie.

Garry the Jeweler said...

No one is this family would ever think of you as a black sheep. On the contrary. You are EXACTLY the right one for Keith, therefore you are EXACTLY right for our family. Your are AWESOME! We all love you and wish we could spend more time with you.