Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So, I don't think I've told too many of you about my awesome roommates that I have.  Marshall knows them and so does Nanc and perhaps a few other people out here at BYU that happen to feel like stalking on my blog every once in a while.  But other than that, most of you are probably rather clueless as to who my roommates are.  Ok, well, after Marshall and I came back for this semester, I got a new roommate in my room.  His name is Dalan Brown.  He's really stinking cool.  Unfortunately, as some of you know, he was in a car accident a few weeks ago and was hurt pretty bad.  Broken scapula, broken rib, lost a lot of blood, gash across his chest, stressed artery coming right out of his heart, collapsed lung...  It was pretty stinkin bad.  But he's had surgery and things are looking up.  He should have a full recovery and is leaving the hospital in the next day or so.  I didn't have a lot of time to get to know him, but I really liked him.  He would have been a really cool roommate.  He's going back home to Idaho and will be back for the fall.  So we'll see if we end up being roommates then or not.  The other guy who is 'new' is David Howard.  He has technically 'lived' here since the beginning of Fall semester.  I say 'lived' because I think I can count the number of times he's actually slept here on two hands, possibly even just one.  He apparently is pretty serious with his girlfriend and depending on how things go there, he's either going to marry her and we'll never see him again, or it'll end and he'll actually move in.  Who knows what's going on with him...  I did talk to him for about 1 1/2 hours last night and he seems like a pretty cool guy.  Then we have Devon and Steven Janke.  They're brothers from Ohio.  Steven is the oldest.  He works at FedEx early Early mornings (as in, it's not unheard of him to leave for work before I go to bed).  This is his first time moving away from home and isn't exactly a social butterfly, but he's seriously just a really good guy.  He likes computers a lot and loves playing video games, but he's a really caring happy guy.  He's always more than willing to help with whatever you need and generally doesn't really care what other's opinions of him are, he's just going to be himself.  Devon is pretty cool too.  He has an amazing voice and is extremely talented with the piano.  I know he plays the guitar as well and is good at that too, but I don't hear that quite as often as I hear him playing the piano.  Last semester his classes kind of sucked the life out of him.  We had a dance party about half way through last semester that he helped with and it kind of took me and the others who didn't already know him there off guard when we realized how fun of a personality he has.  He can be just as goofy as the next guy and is also just a genuinely happy guy.  Then there's Chris Layton.  He's really stinking funny.  He's almost always smiling and laughing about something.  This guy can seriously take pretty much any situation and find humor in it.  He was actually in the accident with Dalan and when we went to visit him this past Sunday, everyone was laughing about all sorts of random stuff he was saying.  It's always a treat when you are around people with a sense of humor and thing that life should be enjoyed, not just endured.  You can ask anyone here, my roommates are all pretty sweet guys.  They're all just really chill and fun loving.  Julie just thinks that they are amazing and I'd have to agree.  I sure have been blessed with some amazing people around me.  Hopefully next year Devon will be on a mission, but him aside, I'd love to keep my roommates who they are.  Anyway, I figured you should all know how many cool people I'm surrounded by.  I'm sure that you would all like to know how things are going with Julie and I, because, well, let's face it, everyone's always interested in others dating lives.  But I'm going to have to leave you disappointed.  I will say that I should be able to actually post some pictures of us tomorrow.  Hopefully we get a few good ones that she won't despise and will let me put up here for the world to see how gorgeous she is.  But till then, you'll just have to wait.

P.S. Sorry I'm so longwinded.  I just can't really help myself some times...  :-D

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chinese 311

I added a Chinese conversation class last minute this semester.  This is one of those classes that is different every semester and could really go either way, depending on the people in the class and more than that who is teaching and how they decide to set the class up.  So yesterday was my first time attending the class, and from the looks of it I'm going to enjoy the class.  At the beginning of class, she asked me to introduce myself and as I'm introducing myself I say that I served my mission in Taiwan.  Before I continue, you must understand something about Chinese.  Well, for one, there are tons of dialects, which greatly affect your accent (for native speakers) when speaking Mandarin.  The accent that people in Taiwan have isn't exactly hard to understand, but because they don't curl their tongue when they should, it has a tendency to sound almost as if you have a lisp.  Some missionaries, in an attempt to sound more like the people they served with, over compensate for this and just sound ridiculous.  Even those who don't overcompensate have a tendency to pick up at least a little bit of the Taiwanese accent.  Ever since I started learning Chinese, I have wanted to have accurate Chinese.  Of course, there are some things that I say that are obviously the Taiwanese pronunciation and other things that show I clearly learned Chinese in Taiwan, but that isn't the accent I wanted to pick up.  So I have worked hard to have good, accurate Chinese.  Ok, back to my class.  When I said that I served in Taiwan, my teacher didn't quite believe me.  She said, "Really?  Then why don't you sound like someone from Taiwan?!"  I take that as a compliment, a big one.  Nothing against Taiwan or the Taiwanese people, but my goal is to have accurate standard Mandarin.  It really made my day.  The rest of the class went really well too.  There were multiple times when the teacher talked about some of those consistent mistakes in pronunciation people with a Taiwanese accent and how they really just bug the crap out of her, thus reinforcing how much I appreciated the compliment she gave me earlier.  There were some people who would intentionally say things the wrong way because they thought it was funny, I thought it was about as funny as my teacher did: Not at all.  It was just obnoxious.  Anyway, aside from that, the class is really going to be a lot of fun.  Our only homework is once every couple of classes we have to make a recording of ourselves talking telling a story or whatever using the vocabulary words from that day's lesson.  We will have a vocabulary quiz every once in a while as well, but basically, that's it.  Oh, and we have to do peer reviews of their recordings as well.  But I'm excited.  It's going to be a fun class.  I'm kind of going to be in Chinese mode a lot this semester, which is more than ok by me!  But I have 3 Chinese classes this semester and I couldn't be more excited about it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Video Competition

My roommate is doing a video competition for a scholarship website and he had me and our other roommates and some friends help him.  It turned out really awesome.  He wrote the music for it and everything!  Anyway, watch it and click like.  The link is here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Isn't She So Cute!?

I gave a talk in church yesterday, so Julie came to watch me.  I'm pretty sure I ended up putting half the congregation to sleep, but there were a few people that came up to tell me that they really appreciated my talk, so I guess it wasn't all bad.  Anyway, after church, Julie was just hanging out at my place.  We made baked potatoes and chicken for lunch with Nanc and it was good.  Mmm.... I love food.  Anyway, as we were making the food, I had to go home teaching.  When I got back and walked through the door, Julie was on my computer and she had a guilt look.  I knew she had been up to something, but it was food time.  I didn't get back on my computer for another few hours.  But when I did there were 10 notes on my screen from her, all telling me why she loves me.  Anyway, Julie is really adorable, isn't she?

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Joys of Being a Poor College Student

Well, it's a new year and we all know what that means...  Taxes!  Ok, ok, I know most people don't really worry about them for another 4 months, but I figure, I only had one job last year and it's really simple to file my taxes, so why not just do it now and get it over with and get my return ASAP?  So I go about filling out the forms online and everything and see that I paid about $100 for state taxes and $200 for federal taxes.  I expect I'll get it all back, being in college and everything, totaling just over $300.  Nice, I could use $300 about now.  I mean, when can you not use $300?  Well...  As I finish the form and am looking it over, I look at the bottom line.  My federal return is actually going to be right at about $1000!  If I thought I could use an extra $300, I sure as heck have no problem getting $800 more than I expected to get back!  Anyway, I'm just kind of excited about it right now and thought I would share the good news!