Friday, April 24, 2009

I Love Books!

They got here! About 2 weeks ago or so I ordered 耶穌是基督 and the new 三合一 and I got them today! Ok, so probably not too exciting to you guys, but the first one is Jesus the Christ and the second one is the new Chinese translation of a triple (BoM, D&C, and PoGP). It is very exciting. AND!!! I start my wicked awesome fun (minus one class) Spring term on Tuesday. Those are only related because I will have a really cool Chinese film class. And I'm excited about clogging and gymnastics, not so much about History of Utah though.

I called a friend who took the Chinese film class a year ago and he said I could use his books, saving me about $40, pretty cool if you ask me.

I was at the book store, and they were out of the next book in the Ender's Game series, so I looked on line and found them and the parallel series, Enders Shadow, for cheaper than I could get them for the regurlar price, so I ordered them :-).

Like I said, I love books!


Garry the Jeweler said...

Yeah, Chinese classes again. It sounds like a fun semester. I'll bet you find that your Utah history class is even good. Who knows you might even like it.

Sarah said...

wow, super fun semester! Clogging, not as cool as Tap, but I'm proud of you. :)