Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I love the dentist

So yesterday morning I had a dentist appointment. Just a regular exam, the kind you get every 6 months or so. A while ago, I decided I really love the dentist. He's always able to get the yucky stuff off my teeth that I somehow can't get myself. He also compliments me. I love compliments. :)

Yesterday he said, "Julie, you have beautiful teeth! I think you're the best we've seen all day."

I actually talked about this with my brother a few days ago. I told him how the dentist compliments me on my nice teeth every time I go see him. My brother claimed that he says that to everyone, just to be nice. So after my dentist told me that my teeth were beautiful I asked, "Are they really? Or do you just say that to everybody?"

He laughed and then said, "NO! I think you've got the best set we're going to see today, and I would totally rank you in the top 10 for the week."

So at least for now, I once again absolutely love my dentist. He tells me I have pretty teeth :)


Sheri said...

I loathe the dentist, any dentist. (Except for those who are my relatives, who I love, but loathe what they do.) I'm pretty sure I'm on their WORST 10 list. And when I went to the oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out, he looked at my awful awful x-rays and joked, "Wow, you must really like the dentist." I wanted to slap him.

I have never once in my life had a dental visit where they said, "There is nothing wrong with your teeth." And I have been to the dentist no fewer than 4 times in the past year.

Dentist. *shudder*. I can't even cope with it anymore. I have to be sedated.

Sheri said...

But I'm super glad that you love yours! ;) It's so foreign to me.

Julie said...

I'm sorry Sheri. I heard about your latest wisdom teeth woes...
I'm super lucky. I don't know how my teeth turned out so well. Never had a cavity or anything. I consider it a blessing. I needed SOMETHING nice to make me a bit easier to look at ;)