Friday, December 13, 2019


Holland growls. Like, a lot. Haha. Julie has referred to her as our dino-baby because she sounds like a dinosaur when she's growing at us. She's not mad (typically) when she growling, that's just the sound she's decided to make. It's adorable.

The other night, right as Julie and I were heading to bed, we hear her growling in her room. I checked the baby monitor and she was laying flat on her face, arms out, not moving, just growling. It was too funny! She eventually stood up in her crib, so I went in and gave her pacifier to her. She immediately laid back down and was out for the rest of the night. Maybe she was talking in her sleep while dreaming about being a dinosaur?

Also, she likes to give herself a double chin while she eats. It's also hilarious. Here's a picture
Also also, blueberry pancakes while wearing white pants may not have been the best idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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